A Look Back on 2019 and Our 2020 Vision

In 2019, the Global Coin Research team is proud of what we’ve written and accomplished for our community.
We broke exclusive news about the largest exchanges, highlighted the most important news in Asia and told you why the developments mattered. We profiled under-the-radar executives, founders and companies wrote about. We probed crypto trends in the various Asian countries and dug up exclusive data to help illustrate them.
Global Coin Research top stories of the year include profiles of major crypto executive figures such as Justin Sun and Huobi CEO Leon Li, a look at China’s efforts on its digital currency initiative, and a revealing examination into how Asian investors, retail and institutional, think about the global protocol projects.
Looking Back on This Year
We had ambitious goals for 2019 and our accomplishments far exceeded them. Through our global partners, Global Coin Research has broadened our international reach, in key countries such as China, Japan and Southeast Asia. Our brand is now recognized by the international media, conference and community circles, and we strive to continue to uphold our values and deliver to our readers in 2020.
We are also delighted to announce that the Global Coin Research content contributor network has now exceeded over 50 individuals and publications. What was just a few months ago incubated as an idea has now found a life of its own, and we are so proud and excited to continue to foster and support this growing ecosystem of folks who want to share their thoughts and observations in Asia.
Additionally, we’ve seen significant growth in our Global Coin Advisory business this year. We’ve been helping numerous companies contextualize and connecting with the global crypto ecosystems, and we are so delighted to see their amazing progress. If you are interested in learning more about our advisory business and the types of work that we do, feel free to directly reply to this email. You can also see our current customers here, with some new ones to be announced in early 2020.
Our 2020 Vision
In the next year, we believe that Asia will continue to exert its dominance for mining pools and mining machine producers. Thus far, we’ve seen a very complete, self-sufficient mining ecosystem being developed in 2019 in China, with the IPO of several mining companies and the technological prowess among the top mining leaders continue to widen its gap from the laggards.
In the trading space, we expect sophisticated DEX and decentralized trading platforms will rise and attract large scale adoption as demand for non-KYC solutions continue, contingent on successful execution. Existing centralized exchanges will continue to tighten their relationship with regulators in an effort to stay afloat.
Regionally, we advise our readers to pay attention more to Southeast Asia (SEA) in 2020. SEA will see a concentrated and robust number of crypto activities in many of its regional countries, whether that’s focused on crypto, blockchain or digital currencies; while the purest form of retail speculation will slow down in Korea, Japan and China. These aforementioned jurisdictions are re-investing and fostering regulations with their own interpretation of what blockchain and crypto ought to do for their citizens. ohbeautydirect.com
Additionally, there will be an increasing divide in terms of development in crypto and blockchain between East and West, as we’ll see more enterprises and corporates entering the blockchain/ crypto business in the East, but likely not nearly at the same speed as that of the West.