State of Crypto Projects and Fund Trends

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As you may have read in the last few weeks, we are rolling out a new post series for our Premium readers. It will feature recurring updates on the state of Asia Cryptocurrency and Blockchain. We have come up with 4 high-level topics, and every week we will be writing about one of these topics, and rotating through them in the following order.
- China (with commentary on recent regulatory trends, media sentiment, and touching on exchanges and company developments)
- Asia Countries ex-China (with commentary on regulations, media sentiments, crypto projects, exchanges, and company developments)
- Exchanges And Mining (Binance, Huobi, Upbit, Bitmain, Canaan, etc)
- Crypto Projects and Funding Trends
Check out our previous pieces on China, Japan, Korea, Singapore, etc.
This week, we are touching on Crypto Projects and Funding Trends. And