7 Most Popular Asia Articles of in First Half of October
What Crypto insiders are reading.
GCR is founded with a simple mission, to be the most reliable news source for the community that want to stay up to date on Crypto and Blockchain happenings in Asia, and share stories and exclusives you won’t read anywhere else.
Fast-forward to now, and our mission hasn’t changed. We’re continuing to deliver stories that aren’t being reported by major news outlets, steadily expanding our coverage, and strategically scaling our team.
It’s always interesting to take a moment to reflect and see which of our recent shared news links have taken off and resonated with our readers. buy Venlafaxine From here now on, twice a month, we are offering a glimpse into the most popular stories.
Without further ado, here are the 7 most popular stories of October:
7. XRP could be the first in the cryptocurrency history being adopted as the official currency of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. http://bit.ly/2yqZeU0
6. Wu Jihan, founder of Bitmain: 8 major blockchain technology development focuses in the next decade. http://bit.ly/2O0z7hr
5. Japan’s Infinity Ventures targets maiden global crypto fund in 2019(there aren’t any large crypto funds in Japan), backed by partners such as Daiwa Securities, KDDI andLine. http://bit.ly/2PwGg5J
4. Pantera’s digital asset fund down 72% in 2018, Bitcoin ‘only’ down 50%: http://bit.ly/2C9JrfQ
3. Binance’s new charity head ran a factory where workers made less than 50 per month:http://bit.ly/2A6ndKn
2. Sora Ventures’ Philosophy to Blockchain Investments. http://bit.ly/2P2x3Se
1. Jehan Chu, Co-Founder and Managing Partner at Kenetic on investing in blockchain projects, proper due diligence, and considerations for mainstream blockchain adoption. http://bit.ly/2PwPGhD
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