EximChain CEO Hope Liu and Ankr Network COO Ryan Fang on China’s Local Government Blockchain Sandboxes, B2B Go-to-Market Strategies, and Finding Talent in Asia

Hope Liu, CEO, and co-founder, of EximChain, and Ryan Fang, co-founder and COO of Ankr.Network are two Chinese-born co-founders with deep knowledge of regulations, fundraising, and hiring in China.|
We talk about:
- How to effectively pitch to a Chinese investor vs. that of an American investor, because the differences are stark (7:40)
- How to think carefully about your investor base and token distribution to help your business development plans in Asia (10:15)
- How and what the Chinese regulators are thinking about Cryptocurrency and Blockchain (14:30)
- Whether and how companies can apply to China local government’s blockchain sandboxes (27:00)
- Culture eats Strategy for Breakfast – the case with Uber in China (41:15)Hiring in Asia and finding the best Crypto talent (43:00)
Our second podcast is out in the iTunes store. Check it out!